Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hurricane Season Preparedness

Hurricane season is officially upon us and preparedness starts with organization and planning. Below are some tips to help get yourselves and your home ready in case a hurricane should strike this season.
Do not wait till the last minute to prepare for an emergency, you will be so glad you took the time now.

- Review your insurance policy; secure important documents
- Learn locations of official shelters; prepare for your pets, shelters will not accept pets
- Check emergency equipment such as flashlights, generators, cell phones, portable radios to ensure all are in good working order
- Purchase plywood or other materials to protect your home; inspect hurricane shutters and repair any necessary damages, supplies for installation
- Trim trees and shrubbery; clear your yard of possible flying debris which could damage your house or your neighbors
- Clear clogged rain gutters and downspouts
- Decide where to move your boat
- Service vehicles
- Ensure extra cash is on hand for emergencies
- Purchase canned foods and drinking water, enough for 5-7 days (1 gallon per person/day, don't forget water for your pets)
- Check First Aid Kits and restock as necessary 
- Secure extra prescription medication, have 2 weeks supply on hand

Here is a list of supplies to have on hand should a hurricane strike and power/water cannot be restored for several days:

       ● Oil and gas for generator 
● Portable camp stove and necessary refills
● Charcoal, lighter fluid
● Flashlights, 2 per person; battery-operated lanterns and extra batteries; candles
● Matches/lighter in watertight bag
Battery operated radio & extra batteries
Battery operated fan & extra batteries
Cell phone and charger, extra battery
● First aid kit, personal medication,  sun screen & feminine supplies; extra prescription glasses
Large plastic bins to ensure household items stay dry
● Mosquito coils and/or spray, citronella candles/lamps
● Life vests, galoshes & whistle
Rope, strong twine; duct and packing tape
● Shut off wrench, pliers, hammer, nails
● Plastic sheeting and large tarps for furniture and roof
Extra keys for home, car and boat; jumper cables
● Surgical & work gloves; sturdy protective shoes, rain gear, hat sunglasses
● Paper towels, toilet paper, napkins; saucepans for heating food and boiling water
● Disposable plates, plastic glasses, plastic forks and spoons
● Aluminum foil, plastic freezer bags, heavy duty garbage bags
● Can opener/knife
● Clorox wipes
Chlorine bleach, water purification tablets
● Hand sanitizer, and baby-wipes
● Ice chest and ice
● Broom, mop and bucket
Blankets, sleeping bags and mats
● Pet food and pet crates
● Baby supplies: food and liquid formula, diapers & wipes
● Books, magazines, games


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