Thursday, June 14, 2012

Our Own Sir Thomas Turtleton

In celebration of Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee, Sir Thomas Turtleton, a 600 pound adult turtle was released into the wild. Sir Tom has been a resident of the Cayman Turtle Farm for over 30 years, coming to the farm when he was around 20 years old. He is estimated to be approximately 60 years old now. Sir Tom was captured in 1970 as an original member of the breeding stock of Mariculture Ltd., original name of the Cayman Turtle Farm. 

Tracking Sir Tom has been easy with the help of a satellite-tagging device. He is currently heading toward his original home of Suriname, South America. The data obtained from his tracking device will be used to ensure he as adapted to the wild and successfully survived after years of being pampered at the Turtle Farm. Track his course at

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